Member-only story
Part 3: Why are we planning to go back to “normal” anyway? EDUCATION
Does the nation have common sense?
Definition of common sense: good sense and sound judgement in practical matters.

This post was meant to be solely focused on education and schools but I think the chatter of the day around common sense and leaving it to the public and how they will conduct themselves at this time compelled me to mention this and also provide a little insight into my thought process early on in the pandemic and how it ties into education and learning.
Did you get the common sense when told to stay-alert? Thousands booked out holiday homes (we are in a war with a vicious invisible enemy but holidays are somehow essential). Yesterday was a lovely day and during a walk in the park a large picnic is was taking place. Must of been an entire household of about 20 people. Yep, there is a lot of common sense out there.
A London tube driver remarked “It was as packed like it was before the crisis”. So, do all these commuters really lack common sense? Let’s fire a few questions at Tom from Romford in East London, a construction worker planning to go back to work.
- Can you work from home Tom? (Yes/No)
- Has your boss told you come in? (Yes/No)