Three coffees, two smart phones and one remarkable elevator.

As I left the tube station (subway!) it suddenly dawned on me that it was in this area, Old Street which is on the boundary of the city square mile in London, I got my first job after leaving university. That was over 20 years ago.
Change, change, change. Obviously I’m not a naive graduate, lacking in a bit of confidence and awareness of the working world (I hope!) and I’m a bit more relaxed these days. Not all graduates were like this I might add.
It’s as though the salad garden you started with a few seeds has suddenly grown into a vibrant concoction of rich nutrient vegetables. Varied in colour and all shapes and sizes. Anything goes and nothing is out of the norm.
This is how this trip into a client meeting felt today. Yes, I no longer have to wear a £50 woven tie or a ‘bankers’ suit but it’s more than that. It’s open. Not just to a range of companies and people but open to ideas. It’s as though the soul of the area has said ‘yes’ and allowed the change to take place.
In some ways it has grown in the same way that healing and outlook grows within through the experience of life.
As I look out of the window and see the tallest building in London, The Shard, looking back at me I’m reminded of the change that has taken place. The way we interact with the world. The way we consume and are never still.
The lift is called (not by me), spacious and zooms up at warp speed. There are four strangers, three sipping coffee from different independent coffee houses and two tapping away on smart phones lost in another world.
Relaxed, I sit in reception listening to