I haven’t seen my social media ‘friends’ for 25years.

Yep, that’s right. But social media as we know it today was not around then you say? You’re right and it’s not strictly true I haven’t seen all of them but 100% true that I’ve not seen some ‘uni’ friends. But what is so strange about that? Before these channels my parents would not have seen certain people they consider ‘friends’ for the same amount of time. But something seems different here because I could and they could jump on a plane, train or even bus and we could be in each other’s company. Same goes for my parents generation right? I could pick up the phone, video call but that’s where it would end.
The social relationship is different. Our bond I feel is trapped in those uni years and I have some pepper corns of their life now but it would be that ‘one’ conversation and then this relationship changes…for another 25 years? Sounds scary and I stress something does not feel right here.
Maybe I’m too idealist about this. Something tells me I’m more inclined to meet those I’ve not been in touch with at all who are not on the radar. What happened to M or to T. They are not on the realms of even suggested contacts…so where are they? Others have popped up and I’ve kindly ignored the suggestion. I’m sure I get ignored as well!
Writing this I realise that we are trapped for periods of a time with certain acquaintances but social media makes them ever current.